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How data centers can profit from a dedicated Calibration Management Software
One of the most critical figures in the effective management of data center operations is the PUE. A calibration management software can help you reduce it.
How Internet of Things can help to ensure food safety
Although IoT hasn’t been used yet to its full potential, it has come to stay. The benefits of IoT technology in the prevention of food contamination and cost decrease are multiple. Find out how it can be used in food industry.
MyStudies App: FDA releases open source code for world data app
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to release open source code for its newly created app, MyStudies App.
The impact of climate change on beer production
During the last years, the global temperature has increased and a lot of regions experience warm and dry weather. This is a threaten to beer production. Read the reason in this article.
Are you in compliance with FSMA?
Are you in compliance with FSMA? Here there is a high level presentation of the Food Safety Modernization Act in simple terms with links from FDA’s official page.
How often should you calibrate your instruments?
A very common question among calibration technicians and operation managers is the frequency of calibration. When should you calibrate your instruments?